

You have plenty of options when it comes to choosing how you want to experience the EASA Convention & Solutions Expo. And plenty of options when it comes to registering ... online, downloadable registration form — or for quick registration of multiple exhibitor badges ... 一个简单的电子表格.



邮寄至欧洲航空安全局,地址:1331 Baur Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63132
传真:+1 314 993 1269




  • 全面访问解决方案博览会
  • 所有教育活动(星期日、星期一、星期二)
  • 周一:欢迎,EASA颁奖和主题演讲
  • 星期二:全体会议
  • EASA Rewind 2024 — Streaming web access to recordings of most sessions plus handouts and technical papers!

Make your experience even better with additional optional events. See below.

$0 NOTE: All exhibitor badges are complimentary if individuals are staying in the official EASA housing block at Harrah's Las Vegas. Otherwise, each company will receive two complimentary badges per 10´x10´ paid booth. 额外徽章的费用为300美元. All exhibitors must provide EASA with a hotel confirmation number in order to receive a complimentary badge (over and above the allotted complimentary ones).
Need to quickly register a large group for Exhibitor Badges only?
下载此Excel电子表格, provide the requested information for each registrant and return it to Dale Shuter (dshuter@gzhtdykj.com).
Do not use this file for any registration(s) requiring payment.

Full Business

The Full Business 注册包包括:

  • Education Sessions
  • 解决方案博览会(周一、周二) & Wednesday)
  • Expo Door Prize Drawing Tickets (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday)
  • 周一:社交早餐
  • 周一:欢迎,EASA奖 & Keynote
  • Monday: Lunch
  • 2 Drink Tickets to the EASA Classic Vegas Reception (Monday)
  • 周二:社交早餐
  • 星期二:全体会议
  • 周三:早餐
  • 星期三:关门午餐
  • EASA Rewind 2024 — Streaming web access to recordings of most sessions plus handouts and technical papers!

Make your experience even better with additional optional events. See below.

By April 12 By May 7 After May 7
$549 $649 $749


The Guest 注册套餐包括:

  • 周一:社交早餐
  • 周一:欢迎,EASA颁奖和主题演讲
  • Monday: Mimosas & Networking
  • 周一:拉斯维加斯歌舞女郎101课程
  • Monday: Lunch
  • 两张周一酒会的酒水票
  • Solutions Expo
  • Solutions Expo Door Prize Drawing Ticket (Monday & Wednesday)
  • Wednesday: EASA Give BAck - Assemble Personal Hygiene Kits for The Wash Foundation

Make your experience even better with additional optional events. See below.

By April 12 By May 7 After May 7
$249 $349 $449



This badge is intended for exhibitors' family members that WILL NOT be working in a booth during the Solutions Expo.

This registration ONLY provides access to the Solutions Expo on all days (including setup and tear down, must be 18 years of age) and does not include any education, 用餐或社交活动.

Optional events are available to add to this registration. See details below.

Optional Events & 要添加到您的注册中的产品!



Event By April 12 By May 7 After May 7  
周一:与塞巴斯蒂安·特里共进午餐 $90 $95 $100 DETAILS
(EASA members only)
$15 $20 $25 DETAILS
星期三:关门午餐 with Economist Chris Kuehl $90 $95 $100 DETAILS

Optional Tours

Optional Tours

Sunday, June 23 粉色吉普车之旅-红岩峡谷
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Las Vegas City Tour with Stop at Freemont Street, Atomic Museum and Las Vegas Sign - CANCELED
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
1:00 - 5:00 pm 
〇球体体验 SOLD OUT
7:00 pm (Note: transportation not provided, For ages 6 and older)
Note: Pricing was increased from the printed convention brochure due to the venue's dynamic pricing model. 通过EASA购买可以节省税费.

Although this tour is sold out, you can purchase tickets on your own directly from the venue.
Tuesday, June 25 市区/奥特莱斯购物中心/艺术区班车 - CANCELED
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Immersive Van Gogh and Princess Diana Experience 
12:30 - 4:30 pm
Wednesday, June 26 市区/奥特莱斯购物中心/艺术区班车 - CANCELED
12:00 - 6:00 pm
〇球体体验 SOLD OUT
4:30 pm (Note: transportation not provided, For ages 6 and older)
Note: Pricing was increased from the printed convention brochure due to the venue's dynamic pricing model. 通过EASA购买可以节省税费.

Although this tour is sold out, you can purchase tickets on your own directly from the venue.
Tours are subject to change based on facility availability. EASA reserves the right to cancel a tour if a minimum is not met. In case of cancellation, EASA will notify registrants on or before May 24. EASA cannot guarantee the availability of tickets on-site.

Rewind 2024 - Conference Recordings and Papers

EASA Rewind 2024
Streaming web access to recordings of most sessions plus handouts and technical papers! 2024年7月中旬上市.

全面商业/教育 & 解决方案博览会/参展商
Solutions Expo Only

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of registration must be submitted in writing via email and must be dated on or before 5:00 pm Central Time on Tuesday, June 4, 2024, to receive a refund less a $100 USD registration cancellation processing fee. No refunds will be granted after 5:00 pm Central, Tuesday, June 4, 2024.

Substitution Policy
Replacement of a registered EASA attendee by a co-worker will be accepted. A $25 USD processing fee will apply to all substitutions.

Housing Policy

  • In an effort to avoid costly hotel penalties and keep registration fees low, all registrants requiring a hotel who have not booked a hotel room in the official EASA housing block will be charged an additional $200 USD.
  • 欧洲航空安全局的官方酒店是拉斯维加斯哈拉酒店. If attendees book in the official EASA housing block and later cancel their reservation (but still attend), 额外的200美元将被收取.
  • You will need to provide a confirmation number in order to save the $200.
  • 如对本政策有任何疑问,请向 dshuter@gzhtdykj.com.

What is "Suitcasing" and What Will EASA Do About It?

What is Suitcasing?
Suitcasing is when a non-exhibiting company solicits business in exhibit hall aisles, another company’s booth or public spaces within the convention center. Suitcasing practices include passing out brochures and business cards in the aisles or conducting meetings in special areas of the show floor such as the lounges and cafes and in the hotel lobbies and bars.

Any attendee who is observed to be soliciting business in the aisles or other public spaces, 在另一家公司的展位上, or in violation of any portion of the EASA Exhibition Policy will be asked to leave immediately without refund. 可能会有额外的处罚. Please report any violations you may observe to show management.